Tuesday, October 6, 2009

GHS is preparing one step at a time for her New Movie

English Translation by susAmerica@soompi.com

구혜선 "월말 크랭크인!"
headline: GHS "End of the Month Cranking" ( I think Koreans use the term 'cranking' to start on a new project?)

첫 장편 영화… 시나리오 수정 '손수'
천재음악가 스토리에 재능 '올인'
배우 구혜선이 첫 장편영화를 차곡차곡 준비 중이다.
First full-length movie...scenario editing by herself
A story of a genius musician's ability "All In"
Actress GHS is preparing one step at a time for her new movie.

구혜선은 오는 10월말 첫 장편영화의 크랭크인을 목표로 배우 캐스팅 등 전 과정을 마무리하고 있다. 구혜선은 단편영화 <유쾌한 도우미>로 감독 데뷔를 한 이후 1년 여 만에 장편영화로 관객들과 조우한다.
GHS has a goal to start filming her new movie starting the end of October. She is busily casting and putting the finishing touches in order to accomplish her goal. After only about one year of making a debut as a director of her short film, , GHS is about to start her new goal and winning royal confidence from the mass. (GHS is NOT a procrastinator, isn't she!! I really admire her for that. She sets her goals and she goes for it all the way, but oh so carefully with such attention to details like a great artist!!)

구혜선은 한 측근은 "구혜선은 직접 주조연급 배우들을 캐스팅하기 위해 미팅을 주도하고 만나는 등 열의를 보이고 있다. 캐스팅이 완료되는 대로 영화 작업을 시작할 수 있을 전망이다"고 밝혔다.
GHS's close associate mentions that: "GHs is enthusiastically initiating meetings to cast for the actors. As soon as the casting is completed, the filming can start."

구혜선의 이번 장편영화는 천재 음악가들의 미스터리한 이야기들이 담길 예정이다. 구혜선은 최근 발표한 소품집 <숨>에 있는 음악들이 이번 장편영화를 위해 만든 것임을 밝힌 적이 있다.
Her movie will be about brilliant musicians' mystery stories. GHS did reveal in the past that her compositions inside her new CD album, , were made for the movie.

그는 자신이 직접 쓴 시나리오와 음악으로 영화까지 연출하며 놀라운 재능을 선보이고 있다.
GHS is revealing her amazing talents through her new movie by being its writer, composer and director.

이 측근은 "구혜선은 무궁무진한 아이디어로 이번 장편영화에 매달리고 있다. 그는 주변 사람들의 기대가 무척 크다는 것도 알고 있다. 시나리오의 수정도 손수 작업하고 있어서 조만간 멋진 영화가 탄생할 것으로 보인다"고 덧붙였다.
This GHS associate also states, "GHS is thoroughly committed to working hard for this movie with endless supply of ideas. She knows that so many people have such high expectation for her movie. She edited her own movie script and in a little while a great movie will be born."

구혜선은 최근 제7회 아시아나국제단편영화제의 공식 트레일러를 연출하게 돼 화제가 됐다.
Recently, GHS has also created a news by being selected to direct a short trailer for the 7th AISFF.

스포츠한국 강은영기자 kiss@sportshankook.co.kr=Sports Han Gook news, Kang Eun Young reporter
회춘하신 이사님~알고보니[2585+무선인터넷키]
스포츠한국 원문 기사전송 2009-10-01 06:26 =October 1, 2009
[ⓒ 인터넷한국일보(www.hankooki.com), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]

Wow, GHS must be under an enormous pressure to make a great movie. She must have secured enough investors that the movie is ready to film as soon as the actors agree to participate? She is not only a talented artist in every sense of that term but also a great business person. I am very positive that one cannot make a movie unless one is also a powerful force at organizing, contracting and negotiating, marketing (what a job she did in marketing herself as the director for the potential investors to have confidence in her!), leading and facilitating large groups of people to listen to you, and more!!! She made one short film and, in just one year later, she is making another one of her dreams a reality. NO one can say she is lazy or knows how to waste the precious time. I am curious as to what kind of parenting she received to become such an awesome force in her generation!! I am telling you I am just speechless as to how remarkable she is! I pray she puts aside the pressure, listen to her music to center herself and just concentrate on doing what she loves doing! Bless her and bless her!

Credit to DCinside for the source of the article: http://news.nate.com/view/20091001n02131, and susAmerica@soompi.com
from : http://minsuph.multiply.com



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