Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Goo Hye Sun for Service of Love Bazaar (11/20-26/09)

headline: 선행스타 구혜선, ‘연예인 사랑의 봉사단 자선바자회’ 동참
headline: Star of Good Deed Goo Hye Sun, 'Service of Love Bazzar
where Entertainers Donate Personal Items for Sale'

한국경제 원문 기사전송 2009-10-31 20:09 최종수정 2009-10-31 21:06
Korean Economy News 10-31/09 at 8:06 PM
한경닷컴 bnt뉴스 이현아 기자
HanKyung.combntNews Lee Hyun Ah Reporter

English Translation from

최근 영화감독으로 변신한 구혜선이 ‘연예인 사랑의 봉사단 자선바자회’를 통해 사랑을 전한다.
GHS will be participating in the bazzar sponsored by a volunteer service group, Service of Love, by donating personal item for sale to fundraise.

구혜선이 참여하는 ‘연예인 사랑의 봉사단 자선바자회’는 소년소녀 가장과 저소득층 자녀들의 방과 후 학교를 지원하는 취지에서 마련되었다. 이 행사는 bnt뉴스가 주최하고 현대백화점이 후원하며 11월20일~26일까지 진행된다.
This event, which GHS is participating, is to raise funds for the after school program for the teen heads of families (i.e.teens who have children?) and for low income children. BNT News sponsors the event with the support of the HyunDae Department Store. The bazzar will run from November 20~26.

구혜선은 평소에도 시각장애아동 돕기 기부캠페인 동참하는 등 불우한 이웃을 돕는데 발 벗고 나섰다. 그는 최근 남몰래 장애영아원을 방문해 의료봉사 활동에 참여해 장애아동들의 수호천사가 되기도 했다.
GHS also helped out with WITH Campaign to help the visually hadicapped children and she volunteers to help the disadvantaged neighbors. Very recently, GHS again secretly volunteered with the medical volunteer team in visiting the handicapped children's center and being these infants and children's guardian angel.

(Hey soompies, we found out through Korean fan that she did go to volunteer her time on the Oct. 24. I guess this time she is not even allowing any leakage of photos?)

이번 바자회에는 빅뱅, 2NE1, 구혜선 등 많은 연예인들이 본인의 소장품을 경매로 내놓고 야구선수 추신수, 휘성 등 사인회도 함께 열린다. 판매 수익금 전액은 소년소녀 가장과 저소득층 자녀들의 방과 후 학교 기금에 기부된다.
For this bazzar event, Big Bang, 2NE1, GHS and other stars will donate their personal items for auction. There will also be fansigning for baseball player Choo Shin Soo and Wheesung, at the same time. All proceeds go to the Service of Love.

현 대백화점의 한 관계자는 “‘연예인 사랑의 봉사단 자선바자회’를 통해 소년소녀 가장들에게 희망과 웃음을 주고 저소득층 자녀들의 방과 후 학교를 지원하여 더 나은 삶을 만들어 줄 수 있어 기쁘다”고 밝혔다. 이어 “많은 연예인들이 함께 동참하고 관심을 갖는 만큼 이번 자선바자회가 성공적으로 마무리되어 불우한 이웃들에게 더 큰 꿈을 안겨줄 수 있었으면 좋겠다” 고 말했다.
An associate of Service of Love is very happy for this event which will provide invaluable service improving the lives of others. She prays for its success and lots of participation.

한편 구혜선은 단편영화 ‘유쾌한 도우미’를 연출하며 영화감독으로 인정받았으며, 장편영화 감독에 도전했다. 또한 소설 ‘탱고’를 출간했고 자신의 일러스트를 모아 전시회를 열기도 했다.
(praises for achivements of GHS in this sentence.)
read more “Goo Hye Sun for Service of Love Bazaar (11/20-26/09)”

091101 Mnet Japan - Boys Over Flowers Making Ep4

read more “091101 Mnet Japan - Boys Over Flowers Making Ep4”

Sunday, November 1, 2009




source: SS501 “Love Like This” MV

Won Bin, Bong Joon Ho, Goo Hye Sun, Lee Min Ho mendukung acara " GOOD DOWNLOADER "

para aktor dan sutradara telah datang bersama-sama dalam acara "good downloader"

Untuk mewujudkan cara yang benar dalam men-download dan menikmati film, "Good Downloader" pengenalan kampanye good Downloders telah diumumkan pada acara Pusan International Film Festival dan Acara formalnya akan diselenggarakan di Seoul Lotte Cinema Myeongdong Avenue 10 november. (Sponsor: korea Film Festival, Anti-Pembajakan Dewan Film)

10 artis Korea akan datang bersama-sama dalam mendukung acara ini “Good Downloader Supporters Day”. Mereka adalah Direktur Jang Jin dan Goo Hye Sun, Direktur Bong Joon Ho dan Won Bin, Direktur Park Chan-ok dan Im Soo Jung, Direktur Taman Choon dan Kim Gwang Soo Ro, Lee Min Ho, Park Bo Young. Akan ada total 10 bintang-bintang dan direksi dan mereka akan dibagi ke dalam 4 tim untuk berpartisipasi dalam acara ini.

Pada hari itu, setelah pemutaran film-film seperti "Our School ET", "Mother", "I'm A Cyborg, but It's Ok", "Good Morning Presiden", "The Cheerful Caretaker", akan ada pergelaran Q & A.

source : girl paradise
credit : myloveminoz on BBFI
read more “Won Bin, Bong Joon Ho, Goo Hye Sun, Lee Min Ho mendukung acara " GOOD DOWNLOADER "”

Breakdown Of Idol Group Member Characteristics: Outstanding looks, the face of the group… Flower idols and Talents over looks… Artsy idols

Wah... KHJ oppa masuk dalam golongan ini: Outstanding looks, the face of the group...Flower idols (Orang-orang ini membantu kelompok meningkatkan popularitas mereka melalui tahap-tahap awal debut mereka karena penampilan mereka yang luar biasa.)

Young saeng masuk jga di: Talents over looks… Artsy idols (anggota yang mungkin tidak menonjol dari segi penampilan dibandingkan dengan anggota lain dalam kelompok, tetapi adalah sebagai berbakat seperti atau bahkan lebih berbakat dari siapa pun untuk vokal mereka.)

selain KHJ yang msuk dalam "Outstanding looks, the face of the group...Flower idols" ad bbrp artis korea lain yang termasuk golongan ini seperti:Nich Khun, So Nyeo Shi Dae: YoonA and Tiffany, Dong Bang Shin Ki: Hero JaeJoong, WonderGirls: SoHee, After School: UEE, KARA: Goo Hara, T-ara: JiYeon, Super Junior: ShiWon, dll...

Begitu pula dg katagori yang diperoleh Young saeng selain namanya dia ada nama lain seperti: 2AM: ChangMin, Big Bang: DaeSung, Dong Bang Shin Ki: JunSu, etc.

source: soompi "Breakdown Of Idol Group Member Characteristics: Outstanding looks, the face of the group… Flower idols and Talents over looks… Artsy idols"

credit : Lyndha_again on BBFI
read more “Breakdown Of Idol Group Member Characteristics: Outstanding looks, the face of the group… Flower idols and Talents over looks… Artsy idols”

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